
A detailed scriptural analysis of the Jews’ religion described in Gal 1:13-14

What is the “Jews’ religion” referred to in Gal 1:13-14? 

What is its connection with Gal 2:11-14, Matt 3:7, Matt 23:13-15, & similar verses? 

How is it connected with John 5:1, 6:4 & 7:2, & the Jewish calendar ? 

Should believers in Messiah Yahushua trust in those who belong to it ?


Over the past year or so, I have been studying the history of the Jews, from their time in Babylon until the 1st century, & what the Renewed Covenant scriptures tell us about them.

Quite recently, I have been studying the book of Galatians, & have been wondering about who, & what Paul describes as "the Jews' religion", specifically mentioned in Gal 1:13-14, but also referred to later in Paul's letter referred to the Galatians. I have based this study on the great work of Steve Martin in his video, "Galatians 2:1-14, Did Peter and Paul disagree about keeping Torah?"

In Gal 1:13-14, we read : 

Gal 1:13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the assembly of YHWH, and wasted it: 

Gal 1:14 And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.

My curiosity was raised when I read, & studied about Paul’s visit with “them which were of reputation”, namely, Peter, John, James, & the other apostles & disciples of Messiah Yahushua as was written in Gal 2:2. My interest increased still further, when I read, & studied about Paul’s “conflict” with Peter in Gal 2:11-14. Please note that I have expanded v14 because there are three different words translated as “Jews”, & I want their meanings to be clear. 

Gal 2:2 And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.

 Gal 2:11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, (Paul) withstood him (Peter) to the face, because he (Peter) was to be blamed

Gal 2:12 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision

Gal 2:13 And the other Jews dissembled (acted hypocritically) likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation (deceit)

Gal 2:14 But when I saw that they (those of the Jewish religion), walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel (of Messiah Yahushua), I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, (one belonging to Judah), livest after the manner of Gentiles(non-Jews), and not as do the Jews, (after the manner of the Jews, including keeping the tradition of the elders), why compellest thou the Gentiles (non-Jews), to live as do the Jews (to judaize, or imitate the Jews)

I then decided to examine what we were told about Paul, & what he said about the “Jews’ religion”, reasoning that, he for much of his life, was a believing, & practicing member of this “Jews’ religion”, & therefore should know all about it.

The strategy I have used is as follows :

1: I introduced my examination by listing what I have found out about Paul.

2: Using a “court-type” style, I have provided “scriptural” witnesses to identify what the Jews’ religion was, who belongs to it, what they believe, & what actions they incorporate, in order to perpetuate the Jews' religion.

3: Then I have summarised what these witnesses tell us about the Jews’ religion.

4: I included some background information on the history of the Jews from their Babylonian captivity until the 1st century.

I have concluded my study by asking some significant questions for those who currently follow, the important aspects of the Jews’ religion.

Who was Paul, & what did he know about the Jews’ religion

Acts 21:39 & 22:3, tell us that Paul was a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilica. Acts 22:25 indicates that Paul was a Roman citizen.

In Acts 22:3, we are told that Paul was “brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward YHWH, as ye all are this day”.

Acts 5:34 refers to Gamaliel, as “one in the council, a Pharisee, … a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people”. It is believed that to be a disciple of Gamaliel, a young Jewish man needed to be among the brightest, & most zealous of Pharisees - only the very best young Pharisees could be mentored by Gamaliel. After Paul’s “training” by Gamaliel, I have read that Paul knew the Tanach so well, that he had it memorised. He certainly knew, & practised the Pharisaic “oral law”, called the tradition of the elders in Matt 15:2, in his life before his encounter with Messiah Yahushua (Acts 9).

We know from Acts 26 that Paul was a strict Pharisee, & the son of a Pharisee. In Acts 7 & 9, we know that he participated in the stoning of Stephen. In Acts 9, we are told that Paul “breathed threats & slaughter against the disciples”. In Gal 1:13-14, again, Paul tells the Galatians some interesting information when he writes, “For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of YHWH, and wasted it: And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the tradition of my fathers”.

Clearly, Paul knew all the “ins & outs” of the “Jews’ religion”.

While the “Jews’ religion” was the religion that Paul originally believed in, practiced, & “profited in”, it is NOT the same spiritual walk that he practiced, after His encounter with Messiah Yahushua. This is why Paul had all the conflicting encounters with those of the Jews’ religion, during his ministry. (Acts 15, Gal 2:2). Sometimes, the “Jews’ religion” is referred to as “the circumcision” (Gal 2:7-8 is an example).

What else do we know about the “Jews’ religion” ? 

In order to answer this, I have decided to present my findings in the form of a “court-style” situation. I will be providing several “scriptural” witnesses, & will begin by examining very carefully, what John the Baptist, said about the scribes, Pharisees, & Sadducees; what Messiah Yahushua said about those who strongly believed in, & practised the “Jews’ religion”, namely the scribes, Pharisees, & the Sadducees . I want to examine all the evidence that I can find.

I know that many of you are very familiar with these verses, so I hope that you can be patient with me, because I want to examine all the evidence in this way.

Witness 1         John the Baptist

Key Verse        Matt 3:7 

Mat 3:7 But when he (John the Baptist) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation (offspring) of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Accused           many of the Pharisees & Sadducees

Accusation       They were “O generation (offspring) of Vipers

Supporting Evidence   who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

When               before Yahushua began His ministry


Since John the Baptist is making this accusation before Yahushua began His ministry, isn’t it obvious that the Pharisees' & Sadducees' (bad) reputation must have been based on beliefs, & activities based on those beliefs, that had been developed much earlier than this time ? More on this history later.

Why does John make this accusation ? Clearly, their beliefs & actions must have “upset” him severely, for him to publicly attack them as v7 shows.

Witness 2         Messiah Yahushua

Key Verse        Matt 23:13 

Mat 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites(an actor, one who interprets, a pretender) for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Accused           scribes & Pharisees


you (scribes & Pharisees) shut up the kingdom of heaven against men – for you neither go in, or suffer them that are entering to go in. 


I believe Yahushua is charging the scribes, Pharisees & Sadducees with “shutting up the kingdom of heaven against men", by taking away the “key of knowledge” (Luke 11:52), that is, the ability to use (pronounce) YHWH’s name. (There may be other possibilities).

NB – there are nine other times where Yahushua addresses the scribes & Pharisees with this phrase. (Matt 23:14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29, Luke 11:42, 43,44). In each verse, He makes a different accusation. Please read these verses for yourself, so that you will have all the evidence to consider.

Q: Why would John the Baptist early in Yahushua’s ministry, & Messiah Yahushua Himself, criticise the scribes, Pharisees, & Sadducees publicly, in this way ? Did John, Yahushua, & their apostles & disciples know something that we don’t know, or haven’t considered ?

Witness 3         The Pharisees & scribes criticise the actions of the disciples of John, & of Yahushua

Key Verses       Matt 9:11, 14, 12:2, 15:2, Mark 2:16 & Luke 5:33 

Mat 9:11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners

Mat 9:14 Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not

Mat 12:2 But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day

Mat_15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.

Mar 2:16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners

Luk_5:33 And they said unto him, Why do the disciples of John fast often, and make prayers, and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees but thine eat and drink? 


Q: Are any of the above criticisms based on any written Torah commands ? A: No.

If these criticisms aren’t based on written Torah commands, then they must be based on “man-made”, oral law, namely, "tradition of the elders".

Clearly, the Pharisees, & scribes had “oral Torah” beliefs that differed from what John the Baptist & his disciples, & Messiah Yahushua, & His apostles had. Obviously, these Pharisees & scribes, who belonged to the “Jews’ religion”, were seriously, upset when some other Jews, including Messiah Yahushua & His apostles, disregarded what they considered to be very important “tradition of the elders” commands.

Witness 4         Yahushua prophesies the plots to kill Him

Key Verses       Matt 17:22-23, Mark 9:31


The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men (scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees): And they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again 


Yahushua prophesies that the scribes, Pharisees & Sadducees whom He had criticised, would eventually kill Him.

Witness 5         Scriptural evidence that the “Jews” wanted to kill Yahushua

Key verses       Matt 26:4, John 5:18, 7:1 

Mat 26:4 And consulted that they (the Jews) might take Yahushua by subtilty, and kill him.

Joh 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that Elohim was his Father, making himself equal with Elohim. 

Joh 7:1 After these things Yahushua walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him


The scribes, Pharisaic Jews, & Sadducees wanted to kill Messiah Yahushua because :

1: He, His apostles & disciples did not follow some of their oral law, the tradition of the elders’ commands, that the Jews’ religion had – they were directly accused of this in Matt 15:2, 

Mat 15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread

2: He publicly criticized them in verses such as Matt 23:13,

3: He publicly disapproved of their “tradition of the elders” in verses like Matt 15:6 & Mark 7:7 & 13, 

Mat 15:6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of YHWH of none effect by your tradition.  

4: It was His heavenly Father’s will.

Witness 6         The arrest, & trial of Yahushua

Key Verses       Matthew chapter 26, John chapter 18

Verses Summary

Matt 26:47-56, John 18:3-12     Yahushua is arrested by the officers of the chief priests, & Pharisees

Matt 26:57-68                Yahushua before Caiaphas – many false witnesses came

John 18:13, 19-24         Yahushua before Annas, & then Caiaphas


Yahushua is betrayed by Judah into the hands of the officers of the chief priests, & Pharisees, (Matt 26:14-16), & when brought before Caiaphas, the scribes, the elders, & the council, they brought forward “false witnesses”, (Matt 26:57-68) in a failed attempt to convict Him of some “Torah breaking”. They eventually had Him killed, with some Roman involvement.

Witness 7         The Stoning of Stephen

Key verses       Acts 6:8-15, Acts chapter 7

Verses Summary

Acts 6:8     Stephen, full of faith & power, did great wonders & miracles among the people

Acts 6:9-10     Certain men, (of the synagogue – probably of the Jews’ religion), disputed with Stephen, but were unable to resist the wisdom & spirit by which he spoke   

Acts 6:11-13    These men suborned (introduced false evidence by collusion) witnesses – they stirred up the people, & had him brought to the council – where they set up false witnesses, claiming that he blasphemed against Moses & the Temple

Acts 7:1     The high priest asked Stephen if these things were so ?

Acts 7:2-53     Stephen replied with a very long speech, describing YHWH’s encounter with Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, & the 12 Patriarchs. He explained YHWH’s relationship with Moses - Stephem spoke about the “Church (assembly) in the wilderness, & the golden calf rebellion. He mentioned Kings David & Solomon,  the work of the Prophets, & the betrayal & murder of the Just One (Messiah Yahushua).

Acts 7:54-60     The actual stoning of Stephen 


Those of the Jews’ religion, including the high priest, council members, & false witnesses, felt threatened by great wonders & miracles that Stephen performed because of his faith in, & the power of YHWH. These men set up a “trial-type” situation, in an attempt to discredit the work Stephen was doing, as a chosen servant of the apostles.

Again, those of the Jews’ religion, set up “false witnesses”, as they did at Messiah Yahushua’s “trial”, in an attempt to humiliate, & discredit Stephen, & what he stood for.

They decided Stephen was guilty – they stoned, & killed him. Paul as a former Jews’ religion member, participated by consenting to his death.

Witness 8         The persecution of the believers in Messiah Yahushua – Paul ravages the assembly

Key Verses      Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-2

Act 8:1  And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles

Act 8:2  And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him. 

Act 8:3  As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison. 

Act 9:1  And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, 

Act 9:2  And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem


Acts 8:1-3 provides evidence that, at the time of Stephen’s stoning, there was great persecution against the Assembly, presumably by the Jews’ religion.

Paul at that time, being a staunch, & extremely loyal believer in the Jews’ religion, who “made havoc” of the assembly (Acts 8:3). We are told in Acts 9:1 that, He was breathing threats, & slaughtered the disciples of Yahushua, when he went to the high priest, desiring letters to Damascus, & to the synagogues – Paul in his early life, clearly was very zealous about the beliefs of the Jews’ religion.

How is the Jew's Religion connected with John 5:1, 6:4 & 7:2, & the Jewish calendar ?  

Have you ever noticed that the Gospel of John is the only one that specifically makes a reference to "the feast of the Jews", or "the Jews' feast" ?

I have copied the appropriate verses below.

Joh 5:1  After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Yahushua went up to Jerusalem. 

Joh 6:4  And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh. 

Joh 7:2  Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand. 

Q: Don't we know from Lev 23:2 that Passover & the other moedim, (appointed times), are Yahweh's set feasts, & appointed times ?

Lev 23:2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, The set feasts of YAHWEH which you shall proclaim as holy gatherings, shall be these: These are My appointed feasts:

Q: Since we know, & John knows that the appointed times are Yahweh's, doesn't it seem odd that John is the only writer who describes them as "the feast of the Jews", or "the Jews' feast" ?


I know that I am speculating here since I can't "prove" it, but since I am unable to find any other explanation, could it be that John has described "Yahweh's feasts" this way because the Jerusalem Jews of the Jews' Religion, had a different calendar from the one that Yahushua, His apostles & disciples followed ?

The reason that I write this, is because in my article, "When did the Israelites keep the original Passover", I showed biblically how, & when the Original Passover of Exodus 12 was kept, & why it would be non-biblical, to keep it using an afternoon of the 14th of Aviv going into the 15th of Aviv scenario.

Evidence Summation 

1: At the time of Messiah Yahushua, the Jews’ religion was composed of scribes, Pharisees, & Sadducees.

2: The Jews’ religion held man-made beliefs, called the “tradition of the elders”, the oral law, that were different to the written Torah.

3: Within the Jews’ religion, they :

A: revered the “oral law”, which later developed into the Talmud, (the primary source of Jewish law, & theology), the Mishnah, (the written copy of the oral law), & the Gemara (the rabbinic commentary on the Jewish law). This oral law was revered above the written Torah of Moses.

B: taught that to be saved, you must first be circumcised, & then keep the Torah (based on the oral law teachings of the Talmud, Mishnah & the Gemara).

C: hated, & despised those who belonged to the Assembly of YHWH – those who believed in Messiah Yahushua, & practised all of YHWH’s written Torah that YHWH gave through Moses. (Again, refer to Acts 7, for specific details about the stoning of Stephen).

4: When someone disobeyed one of the Jews’ religion’s, the “tradition of the elders” commands, that person was criticised, and/or punished in some way.

5: If the disobeying of “tradition of the elders” command was deemed very serious, the offender could be tried, & when declared guilty, stoned for their offense.

In 2 Cor 11:23-25a, we have a list of the punishments inflicted upon Paul by those of the “Jews’ religion”, presumably, for breaking their “oral Torah” commands. Verses 20-21, provide the context for these punishments. Acts 7 gives many details of what they did to Stephen.

2Co 11:23 Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. 

2Co 11:24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one

2Co 11:25a Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned. 

Again, it seems obvious that the “Jews’ religion” was the religion that many Pharisaic Jews, Sadducees, & scribes of the first century, including Paul, strongly believed in, & practiced.

6: Those of the Jews’ religion, in some cases, brought forward “false witnesses”, in an attempt to convict such an offender (see Yahushua’s & Stephen’s “trials”).

7: Within the Jews’ religion, there were different groups. We know there were scribes, Pharisees, & Sadducees, but we know that there were differences between the Pharisees, & the Sadducees, & that there were differences among those Pharisees who followed Shammai, & those who followed Hillel the elder.

8: While, there would have been common beliefs, because of these differences, there would have been some beliefs, & subsequent activities, where each group differed.

9: Those of the Jews’ religion, aggressively confronted anyone who disagrees with them over matters such as “being saved”.

10: Not all those supporting the Jews’ religion, were against Messiah Yahushua – Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Yahushua by night (John 3:1-2), & Joseph of Arimathaea, is called an honourable counsellor in Mark 15:43.

11: Those of the Jews’ religion, “indoctrinated” ordinary Jews with their beliefs. The following is one example of how this affected Peter.

In Gal 2:11-14, we have the situation where Paul confronts Peter. 

Gal 2:11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed

Gal 2:12 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. 

Gal 2:13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. 

Gal 2:14 But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

Q: Why did Paul confront Peter saying, “I withstood him to the face” ?

A: Paul writes his answer in the next phrase, “because he was to be blame”, adding more details in the following verses.

Q: Why would Peter eat with the Gentiles, but, when those of the “Jews’ religion” came, Peter withdrew, & separated himself (from the Gentiles) ? 

A: Peter came to Antioch, where there were some Jewish believers in Messiah Yahushua, but mostly, Gentile believers.

B: While Peter is there, he & the other Jewish believers who were with him, ate with the Gentiles – they “fellowshipped” with them. 

C: When some Jews came down from James, Peter no longer ate with these Gentiles. 

D: In Acts 10Peter met with Cornelius – recall the “unclean animals” dropping-down vision that was to prepare Peter, so that he would go into Cornelius’ house (a Gentile’s house).  

In Acts 10:15Peter is told, “what YHWH has cleansed, call not you common”. 

Act 10:15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What YHWH hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

E: I believe that Peter stopped fellowshipping with the Gentiles because :

a: all his life, before he met Messiah Yahushua, Peter had been “indoctrinated” into believing all he had been taught about the “Jews’ religion”. He had believed that it was “unlawful” for a Jew to keep company with a Gentile, as he described in Acts 10:28, and

b: Peter also knew that those of the “Jews’ religion” punished anyone they found, seriously breaking their “oral Torah” commands – Peter feared for his life.

12: Those of the Jews’ religion used under-handed tactics to influence some of the Assembly of YHWH. Gal 2:4 is one example. 

Gal 2:4 And that because of false brethren (Jews’ religion) unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: (of the oral law)

Here, Paul is saying that some of these men of the Jews’ religion, are “pretending” to be part of the assembly of YHWH, (they are the false brethren), “to spy out” what was being said & done, waiting for an opportunity to attach them over some “doctrinal” matter.

13: While I appreciate that those of the Jews’ religion have some reverence for Moses, it seems to me that they only do it, based on their “tradition of the elders”. In John 5:42, Yahushua says of them that they “have not the love of YHWH in you”. That is the first problem, but, Messiah Yahushua makes many references to Moses, specifically in John 5:46-47, where He says : 

Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 

Joh 5:40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. 

Joh 5:41 I receive not honour from men. 

Joh 5:42 But I know you, that ye have not the love of YHWH in you. 

Joh 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 

Joh 5:44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? 

Joh 5:45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. 

Joh 5:46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. 

Joh 5:47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

Q: Do the actions of those in the Jews’ religion, indicate that they, “believe what Moses wrote about Messiah Yahushua” ?

A: It seems to me that there are many of their actions that indicate that they “do not love YHWH, & nor believe what Moses wrote about Messiah Yahushua”.

Think about the people Yahushua is talking to - they are the religious leaders of Yahushua’s day - they look religious - they sound religious - they dress religiously - they look dedicated - they look devoted, but they did not love YHWH - that's what Messiah Yahushua said to them, "I know this about you – you have not the love of Yahweh in you". They certainly love their religion - they love the system that had been set up by their forefathers. But, as Messiah Yahushua points out in John 5:42, they didn’t have the love of YHWH in them.

If these religious leaders, & their followers, really loved YHWH, they would have wanted to know what He said about how they're supposed to live, & they would have wanted to know what He said about how they're supposed to worship, but again, Yahushua said to them "I know this about you - you don't have the love of YHWH in you".

Messiah Yahushua was not saying that they were not religious – He was not saying that they were  not devoted to the system they were involved in, but He was saying that they don't have the love of YHWH in them.

If we continue reading, in v43, Messiah Yahushua says, “I am come in My father's name, & you receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive; how can you believe which receive honor of one another and seek not the honour that comes from Yahweh only”. As we continue reading in v45, Messiah Yahushua says to them something incredibly important. He says, “do not think that I will accuse you to the Father; there is one that accuses you”.

Who would that be ? How many people then, & now, could honestly answer that question if you were to ask them, “Who is the one who is going to accuse you before the Father ?” I wonder how many people would say, “Moses”.

14: Because John describes Yahweh's feasts as "the feast of the Jews" and "the Jews' feast", it seems probable that those of the Jew's Religion may have kept a different calendar that Yahushua, His apostles & disciples did.

I'd like to close this study by repeating the very important question that I have often written, namely, how do you really know that what you have believed, what you have been taught, what you have viewed, heard, or read, is true & correct ? I strongly believe that the only answer is to find, & test, ALL the evidence that you can find.