
Followers of the Messiah Disclaimer

Although I have a university degree (BA), & have been a teacher of high school students for 42 years, I am not a trained biblical teacher. I have no degree or qualification from any biblical college or university.

What I am is a student of the heavenly Father, (Yahweh), & of His Word, the Bible. What I know & understand about Yahweh & His son, Messiah Yahushua (Jesus), I believe I have been shown by Yahweh through others, & by learning & practising skills that I have acquired. Because I am a student, I know that I don’t know everything – not even close - I believe I have only just begun to “scratch the surface”, so to speak. Because of my past experience, what I currently believe & understand, in many cases, is anything but “absolute” Truth. As I continue to study, I find new “nuggets” about Yahweh & His Word, on a regular basis – I guess He knows that I can’t take it all in at once.

Because we are so far removed from the original languages, & the culture of the original audiences, I believe, we are all, “New” to Yahweh’s word. I don’t believe that anyone is “old” to it.

I therefore, reserve the right to be wrong about anything that I have written or spoken in any of my studies. It is my intention to continue to study & learn, & be open to receive more & more from Yahweh’s Ruach, (Holy Spirit) until I die.

It is my desire to empower & be of assistance to all who visit our website. If you have an questions, or require more information, or help, please contact Pete at

I have also discovered that sometimes, others do not agree with some of what I have written. In Challenge Question 1 below, if you are unable to agree with our response to it, there may be no point in continuing with the Challenge Questions, because those answers are based on that response to that first question. I do however, encourage you to read the following very important information, with a focus on point 2.

Very Important

Before you read any of the information provided on Followers of the Messiah website, we ask, & encourage you to apply the five principles :

Firstly, pray to only receive the Creator's (Yahweh's) Truth, and to not be deceived by any false information.

Secondly, I challenge our readers to choose to have an open, teachable mind.

To do this, I ask them to mentally put on the table near them, any ideas they may have about the topic covered. By doing this, they are allowing the ideas presented, to come into their mind for consideration. There is an old saying “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours; if not, it never was”. So if at the end of this topic, individuals decide that none of it is worthwhile, they can take back all of their previous ideas and continue their life as it was. If they decide that some or all of what is presented is useful and helpful to them, they can take those ideas into their belief system and use them to develop their belief system further. This is what having “an open, teachable mind” means !

Thirdly, please do not believe what we have presented, but check & TEST the Scriptures as Paul tells us in 1 Thes 5:21.

Paul also tells us in 1 Cor 4:6 not to think above what is written (in the Tanach). Acts 17:11 describes what the Bereans did when Paul taught them – they checked (searched) the Scriptures (the Tanach) daily, to see if what he said was correct.

Fourthly, remember that we are studying to show ourselves approved to Yahweh.

(2Tim 2:15)

Fifthly, please understand that I are not here to convince you of anything. That is Yahweh's job.

I am simply explaining to you what I have found, & what I have been shown. The fact that you are reading this study is good evidence that you are seeking Yahweh’s Truth, that you are a sincere person, and that you are wanting to do His will. You certainly have the intelligence to decide things for yourself.

If, at any time, you may believe that what I have written is an error or mistake, please, please show me from Scripture that error or mistake, as I never ever, want to lead others astray.