
Followers of the Messiah - Foundational Beliefs

 Isn’t it true that a belief is anything that is accepted by a person as being true ?

If we examine our lives as children, I’m sure that you will agree that we learned those early beliefs, such as being well mannered, by being specifically taught by a parent, a teacher, or someone we see as being in authority. Another way of learning other early beliefs, is that we passively absorbed something we observed or experienced, such as a love of reading, after being read stories by a parent.

Q1:              What are some of your childhood beliefs ?           

Later in our lives, we consciously decided that we wanted to believe something – an example might be deciding that we love to travel.

Once we realise & decide that we want to have a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father, we consciously develop those spiritual beliefs that are most important. Some of the most important ones are written in the text box below.


 Established Principles of Scripture that Cannot be Contradicted by any Doctrine of Faith

1:  Yahweh is one, and is expressly manifested in many ways, and that in all these ways, He is the one True Elohim (God).

2:  Yahushua the Messiah was sent from Father Yahweh, and practiced the Torah of Elohim perfectly - He is the Son of Elohim, and the same image or reflection of the Father.

3:  Yahushua the Messiah came to Earth as the Word made flesh, and He kept Father Yahweh's instructions (Torah) faithfully & faultlessly.

4:  Yahweh created all things by the Word, and all creation is subject to the Word.

5:  Yahushua is the walking, talking, living, breathing Torah.

6:  Yahweh’s written Word, that is found only in the original languages, is His inspired, influenced, inerrant, unchanging, revealed Word.

7:  In those original languages, Yahweh’s written Word 

     ~ says what it says, 

     ~ not what I think it says, 

     ~ not what I believe it says, 

     ~ not what I’d like it to say, 

     ~ not what others say it says, and 

     ~ not necessarily what I’ve been taught that it says.

     There is no such things as an inspired translation of Yahweh’s Word.



Very Important Question  - how do I really know that, what I believe, what I have been taught, what I have seen or heard, is completely accurate, true & correct ?

 Isn’t it true that the only way I can really know this, is to check & test ALL the Evidence I can find ?

 Let’s do some basic checking, & testing of the above beliefs. The following questions are designed to assist you in this process. You are encouraged to write as much detail as you can, & write down any comments in a Notes section.

If you have e-Sword, some other Bible software, or can access, you should be able to search Yahweh’s Word for the following evidence. If not, look in the Index or Lectionary of a study Bible, or check out the hints provided below.

 Q1:              What verse is evidence that Yahweh is one (echad in Hebrew) ?            

Q2:              What are some of the ways that Yahweh is manifested in the first five books of the Bible ?

Q3:              What scriptural evidence is there that Yahushua is the Son of Elohim ?    

Q4:              Where can we find evidence that “the Word” created all things ?

Q5:              If we examine John 14:6, Ps 119:42 & 160, and John 1:14 carefully, what is each telling us, and what collectively are

                    we being told ?

Q6:              What evidence do we have for statement 5 ?

Q7:              Do you really agree with statements 6 & 7 ?

Q8:              What comments and/or additions would you like to add to the list of established

                   scriptural principles ?


Q1 (Hint – Deut chapter 6);

Q2 (Hint – Gen 18, Exod 19 & 24, 34)

Q3 (Hint – Matt 14, Mark 15, Luke 4, John 11);

Q4 (John 1)

Q5 (Write what each verse is really telling us, & then, tie it all together)

Q6 (Refer to Q5)