
Followers of the Messiah - Introduction

The Biblical Calendar is probably one of the most contentious topics encountered by people who want to obey Yahweh's Torah.

The biblical calendar is specifically referred to only a few times in the Bible. I'll get to these verses in a later post. The purpose of the Biblical Calendar, I believe, is described in great detail, in Leviticus, chapter 23. There, we are told of Yahweh's moedim, HIS appointed times. These are the specific times, or appointments, that Yahweh wants to meet with His chosen people as a group

The Hebrew word, translated as "feasts" in most Bible versions, is this Hebrew word, moedim. In these posts, I will be using moed (singular) or moedim (plural), as there is another Hebrew word that specifically means "feast", namely, chag, & I want to avoid any confusion.

I believe that the reason for such contention is that, in our Messianic community, there are at least four main ways that groups understand, & keep the Biblical Calendar. I won't go into the details here, because I will be dealing with them in detail, in another post.

The biggest problem that I see with these different biblical calendars is that, because Yahweh has declared that He wants to meet with His people on certain, specific days, if we have different calendars, that means that, some, or all of us, will "miss" our appointment with Yahweh !