
Followers of the Messiah - some thought-provoking questions for truth-seekers

About ten years ago, we came to the critical realisation that, we never wanted to "disbelieve" Yahweh's (God's) truth, and that at the same time, we never wanted to believe a lie! We are sure that most sincere, truth-seeking Christians have that same conviction. It was this realisation, that spurred us on to become serious Bible students, an endeavor that we truly enjoy & cherish. We are amazed how deep the Word of Elohim (God) is!

If you are a Christian, you may believe that:

1:  The Church "replaced" Israel, and in particular the Jews, and that grace has "replaced" the law (the Torah of the Old Testament), and

2:  You are "under grace", and "not under the law", & that "the law" has been done-way with.

If these are your beliefs, then we challenge you to HONESTLY address, and/or answer, ALL the following questions. If you cannot address and/or answer these questions, perhaps you can ask your pastor, minister, or priest? Either way, you must TRUTHFULLY answer these questions, and if you cannot, then we believe that you may been have been DECEIVED!

"When a man or woman is honestly mistaken and hears the truth, they will either quit being mistaken, or they will cease to be honest." Unknown. 

It is our desire that you the reader will find the following questions stimulating & interesting. 

If you would like to ask any questions, or need more information, please contact Peter at :