
Followers of the Messiah - a guide to your spiritual journey


In the teaching, "Have you stopped going to Church", I introduced the idea that, those who's shalom had been disturbed, are starting on a journey.

My goal is that this teaching will be to be a learning, growing & positive experience, & perhaps be a guide and/or mentor for some of our readers.


My goals as a potential Mentor/Guide, includes :

1: to assist you in learning the things that Yahweh wants you to learn

2: to teach you the absolutely vital skill of how to study Yahweh’s Word at deeper & deeper levels

3: teach you the skill of answering the vital question, “How do I really know, that what I have believed, what I have been taught, & what others are saying, & teaching, what I've read, viewed & heard, is accurate, correct & true ?”. This always involves checking & TESTING ALL the available evidence !

4: teach you how to defend your beliefs & actions

5: AFTER you have learned the above aspects, you would then be able to teach others to learn & TESTto do or apply the learned skills & knowledge, to defend their faith.


Let's begin !

Have you ever been on a guided tour ? Can I use a tour we did to Ephesus as an example ? The following is a map of the guided tour area of Ephesus.

Information about a Guided Tour

If you are going on a Guided Tour, to get the most out of it, you will need to first of all :

1: Research it

2: Book it

3: Pay for it

The next step is to prepare for your guided tour by :

4: Doing more detailed research

5: Travelling to the location

What you may discover is that you don't know :

6: The actual location

7: The main highlights

8: The interesting side-trails

What you do know is :

9: Details from your personal research

10: Information from other sources

Your Tour Guide 

11: Will explain the RULES for being in her/his group

The Guided Tour     What we can learn & apply

A: The Tour Begins

B: Remember to keep up (with the Tour Guide)

C: Listen carefully

Be Aware - others are also on the Tour

D: Be Aware of distractions

If you'd like me to assist you, please email me, Pete, with your request, & may I strongly suggest that you :

1: make a commitment to carefully read, listen to, study, & analyse the materials that I will provide you with

2: provide feedback, preferably in writing to those materials

3: respond in writing to some questions that I might ask

4: keep a journal, detailing your spiritual journey

5: create a list of written email questions you may have, as they come up

6: keep a file indicating the various resources, & subjects that you encounter during your studies

7: create a file that gives details of the various “gems of wisdom” that Yahweh reveals to you as you ask, seek, knock & test during your spiritual journey

My email address is :