
Followers of the Messiah - Introduction to my Bible Study Principles

Although I’ve been around this walk since 2003 - I have been a devout, diligent Follower of the Messiah since 2006.

During that time, I’ve made several serious mistakes about what I had believed, & learned.

Over time, I realised that I had done this because :

1:   I did not know the Scriptures - I did not know how to study them well enough, &

2:   I did not know the power of Yahweh   (Mark 12:24)

From these mistakes, I learned that if I haven't studied Yahweh's Word, His Scriptures, for myself, then I had no opinion !

As well, I came to understand that even if I have studied a matter carefully before, if someone presents information that contradicts or challenges what I currently believe is true, re-examining it, will either strengthen that belief, or expose an error I may have made.

I choose not to take offence when someone disagrees with what I have discovered.

Over the years, I became aware of some beliefs about which I had been deceived, but, when I was being deceived, I was totally unaware of the deception.

Once I realised that I had been deceived, the deception was obvious, & I decided that :

1: I do not want to disbelieve the Truth.

2: I certainly do not want to believe a lie.

3: I must know precisely what I believe, and more importantly, why I believe it,

4: I must be very careful what I really believe, because, it will totally control the way I think, and what I do.

5: I must be careful not to be deceived because I have found that it is easy to produce a very convincing study, that is partially or totally wrongI must be very aware of the unsubstantiated statements that people make !

I also came to appreciate that the only real drawback to finding Yahweh’s Truth, is to believe that I already have it !

Q: That led me to the question – how do I really, really know, that what I have believed, have been taught, have viewed, have read, or have heard, is accurate, true & correct ?

A: I have discovered that there is only one answer, namely,  consider ALL the EVIDENCE !

May I explain the strategy that I usually follow when analyzing Scriptures, videos, studies or teachings ?

I like to pray to Yahweh, & ask that He guides me in finding only HIS TRUTH, & to reject anything that is not of Him. 

My goal is to always do Yahweh’s will, His way !

I decide to have an open, teachable mind. In doing this, I choose to put my previous ideas aside,  & start with a blank page. This allows me to receive, & examine what a teacher or author is presenting and/or offering.  After all, what if I am wrong about what I currently understand & believe !