
Followers of the Messiah - How to TEST what has been said or written

 Please read the following list of important Scriptural principles carefully - these should be applied when studying YHWH’s Word.


Established Principles of Scripture that Cannot Be Contradicted By any Doctrine of Our Faith.

Our Creator gave mankind His written Word, with special emphasis on the first five books.

The Word contains all of Yahweh’s Torah (instructions), commands, judgments & statutes, for all people who choose to align their lives in faith to the Word of Elohim, not just to Israel, or the Jews (Leviticus 24:22).

It is wrong to add or take away from the Word of Elohim, as written in the first five books (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32)

Any prophet that is a true prophet will teach according to this Word of Elohim already given in the first five books, lest he be a false prophet (Deuteronomy 13)

The Messiah cannot have added to, or taken away from this Word of Elohim (Deut 4:2; 12:32), lest He be a false prophet as well (Deuteronomy 13).

This is also true for James, Peter, John, & Paul, or any other writings found in what we often call the Bible.

All writings must be consistent with this already established Word of Elohim.

Scriptures should never contradict one another.

Do you agree with the following questions ? Comment on them.

Q1:              Isn’t the purpose of any biblical study, to Know YHWH’s Truth ?

Q2:              Isn’t it true that the more Scripture we understand, the more the Ruach can help us apply it, & the more we apply it,

                    the closer we become to Yahweh ?

Q3:              What will you do, if you find out that discovered Truth comes into direct conflict with something that you currently

                    believe ?

Q4:              Do you agree with the following statement ? If we honestly seek Yahweh 's truth, and we are shown that we are in

                    error, we will either cease being honest, or we will change our belief to  repair the error.

                  Doesn’t James 4:17 explain it this way “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is

                  sin” ?

Q5:              Do you agree with the following statement ? If the truth does not offend you, then, you either don’t see it, or you

                     already agree with it ! If the Truth is doing its job, it will hurt temporarily, but  remember, the Truth heals what is

                      corrupt !

I am sure that you have heard or read teachings that seem to be very convincing ! In these teachings, the speaker or author usually makes statements that appear to be so persuasive, that you want to agree with what is being said or written.

Q6: How do you know that what is being spoken or written is in actual fact, accurate, true and/or correct ?

Q7: If you analyse the many teachings or sermons you have been exposed to, isn’t it true that it is reasonably easy, to present a

       very convincing sermon or teaching, that is either partially or completely inaccurate and/or incorrect ?

Very Important Question – How can we really KNOW whether a statement, a scripture verse interpretation, or even a version of a scripture verse itself, is accurate, true and/or correct ?

Answer – the only way we can really KNOW this is to TEST it in some way ! This testing process is the focus of this lesson.

If anyone quotes a verse, or asks you for your opinion about a verse, I strongly encourage you to TEST it, by checking to see if, what is said or written is scripturally accurate, using if possible, the strategies explained in previous teachings . 

As well, I encourage you to use the following information & questions to establish the correct context of a scripture verse or chapter.

As well as reading verses before and after the verse we are studying, we can further define the CONTEXT of a word or verse, by answering the following questions as they relate to the verse or chapter

Who wrote this book ? When was it written ?

Who was the original audience ? Who was it originally written to ?

Why was it written ?

What was their culture ?  What was their legal system ?

What was their religious background ?

What Hebrew idioms did they use ?

What did they already know about the subject ?

What future group does it affect, & how will they be affected ?

What is the context for Exod 20:7 ?


The original audience were the now free Israelite slaves from Egypt. It was written TO them, to remind them that they had been offered a Covenant with Yahweh, the one true Elohim, & that they had accepted Yahweh’s offer.

In this chapter & the next 3 chapters of Exodus, they are being reminded of what Yahweh requires of them.

After being in Egypt for about 215 years, probably between 150 & 180 years as “slaves” to Egypt’s Pharaohs, they had lost their identity, their land, their language, their independence, & their rituals. Yahweh wanted to build a kingdom - one based on a totally different foundation to the one, these now free Israelites, were used to.

As a result of being assimilated into Egypt, these now free Israelites, understood what being in covenant with a greater being meant – they had lived this way all of their lives. To some extent, they understood the legal aspect associated with it, namely, they were expected to do their part in this covenant with Yahweh.

In terms of their religious background, they were “Egyptian”. The Israelites knew all about the Egyptian culture, history, mythology, religion & cosmology. They understood & believed the same as the Egyptians did – they had an Egyptian world-view.

They probably knew something about Yahweh, based on stories & legends told to them by their forefathers, but, in practical terms, they knew almost nothing. It seems very unlikely that they trusted Moses at this point of their history.

In terms of future generations, we are told in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 4 & verse 5:3, that Moses explained to the next generation, that Yahweh had cut a covenant not only with their forefathers, but with them (& us) also.


How to test a Renewed Covenant (RC) scripture (NT) verse ?

When we are studying a RC scripture verse, problems can arise because sometimes, there can be contextual confusion. To assist us with this difficulty, it is important that we ask ourselves four questions.

1:  Who are the groups involved in a conversation ?

2:  What is any debate over ?

3:  What is the correct definition of the words being used, according to the original authors & audience ?

4:  Does the interpretation, contradict any scriptures that are clearly understood in the first five books of the Bible ?

The Main Groups referred to in the RC

The Circumcision Party :

claimed that to be saved a person must be circumcised, keep the Torah of Moses, & keep all the traditions of the Elders

Cornelius, a believing gentile (Acts 10), took these steps to become a saved “Jew”

Jewish Gnostics :

1:  believed in a higher secret knowledge (kabala)

2:  believed that the human flesh was evil, & thus, the only way to be released from it was to indulge it & punish it through 


3:  some sects worshipped angels

4:  remained Jewish, but practised Judaism through their Gnostic adaptations & philosophy


1:  those that were not considered Jews or from the “House of Judah”

2:  comes from the Hebrew word, goyim, which means, “the nations”

3:  can also mean the 10 northern tribes or “the House of Israel”, that were disbursed into all the nations because of their disobedience to Yahweh’s Covenant

The Way – mentioned in Acts 24:14

1:  They believed in keeping the Torah of Yahweh

2:  They do not believe in keeping the “oral law” or “the Traditions” of the Jewish Elders, that were added to the law of Yahweh

3:  They believed that the Messiah that they were waiting for, was Yahushua of Nazareth, & that He paid the price that the Torah

      required for all those who broke it

4:  They strongly believed in being led by the Ruach & not allowing the other sects of Judaism to tell them how to do things.

The Constant DEBATE was      What does it take to be SAVED ?

Through much of Paul’s letters, this was the constant argument he was battling.

These other groups did not believe that Paul’s converts were “saved” because they were not converting in the “established Jewish” way, nor were they keeping the commandments, & traditions in the way that these other groups were.

How do we know that our current understanding of a scriptural word is accurate ?

There are quite a few Hebrew and Greek words that, when translated into English, are rather abstract in their meaning. This means that their meaning is not precise, not crystal clear, & usually depends on an individual’s interpretation. A list of such English words can include words like love, faith, truth, mercy, salvation, grace and worship, to name but a very small few. For this explanation, I will use the word, “worship”.

Many people use the phrase, “praise & worship” to describe the joyful singing, dancing, & raised arms gestures in reverence to Yahweh & Yahushua, that often proceeds a religious Christian service. A question we could test might be, is this joyful singing, dancing & raising of arms in reverence, what is meant by the Hebrew or Greek words that are translated from Yahweh’s Word as “worship” ?

Step 1          Begin by locating the first place that this translated word, “worship” is found in Yahweh’s Word.

                      In the KJV, it is first used in Gen 22:5

Gen 22:5 And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.

Step 2          Locate a few verses where your test word, “worship” is used. In the KJV Bible, there are 102 verses that use this

                      word. For this example, I’ll choose Deut 8:19, Josh 5:14, Ps 5:7, Ps 66:4, Matt 2:2, Matt 4:10 &  John 4:23.

Step 3          Copy each verse, & insert the possible meaning before the test word, “worship”, & read it out loud.

                     Does your possible meaning, “sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence” make sense in each verse ? If it does,

                     your opinion has been supported, if not, then you need to search for a more appropriate meaning.

Deu 8:19 And it shall be, if you shall forget YAHWEH your Elohim, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and (sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence to) worship them, I testify against you today that you shall utterly perish


Jos 5:14 And He said, No, for I now come as the Captain (Sar) of the army of YAHWEH. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and (sang joyfully, danced & raised arms in reverence) worshiped. And he said to Him, What does my Master speak to His slave ?


Psa 5:7 But I, in the plenty of Your grace, I will come into Your house. I will (sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence) worship in Your fear toward Your holy sanctuary, O YAHWEH


Psa 66:4 All the earth shall (sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence) worship You; and they sing to You; they shall praise Your name. Selah.


Mat 2:2 saying, where is He born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to (sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence) worship Him


Mat 4:10 Then Yahshua said to him, Go, Satan! For it has been written "You shall (sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence) worship YAHWEH your Elohim, and Him only shall you serve."


Joh 4:23 But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will (sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence) worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such, the ones (singing joyfully, dancing & raising arms in reverence) worshiping Him.

Let’s try “bow down & pay homage” as another possible meaning.

Deu 8:19 And it shall be, if you shall forget YAHWEH your Elohim, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and (bow down & pay homage to) worship them, I testify against you today that you shall utterly perish


Jos 5:14 And He said, No, for I now come as the Captain (Sar) of the army of YAHWEH. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and (bowed down & payed homage) worshiped. And he said to Him, What does my Master speak to His slave ?


Psa 5:7 But I, in the plenty of Your grace, I will come into Your house. I will (bow down & pay homage) worship in Your fear toward Your holy sanctuary, O YAHWEH


Psa 66:4 All the earth shall (bow down & pay homage) worship You; and they sing to You; they shall praise Your name. Selah.


Mat 2:2 saying, where is He born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to (bow down & pay homage) worship Him


Mat 4:10 Then Yahshua said to him, Go, Satan! For it has been written "You shall (bow down & pay homage) worship YAHWEH your Elohim, and Him only shall you serve."


Joh 4:23 But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will (bow down & pay homage) worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such, the ones (bowing down & paying homageworshiping Him.


After reading each verse, ask yourself, which of the two possible meanings, “sing joyfully, dance & raise arms in reverence”, or “bow down & pay homage”, seems more appropriate ?

If you want to be very thorough, locate all the verses where this word, “worship” is used.

Other possible questions that could be examined in order to TEST what has been said and/or written

Test this by comparing several different translations, and if able, use a Hebrew-English or Greek-English translation, to examine each word for accuracy of meaning

1:  Are there any Hebrew or Greek idioms being used, & do I understand their meaning ?

     An idiom is an expression in a language which has a unique meaning which cannot be understood from the meanings of its

     parts. Examples in the English language are :

         to feel under the weather

         to have egg on your face

         to read between the lines

         to rain cats and dogs

     The Bible is no different, & it contains many idioms. Examples in Hebrew & Greek are :





Gen 4:6

face fallen


Gen 24:60

possess gates

 capture cities

Deut 15:7

close hand


Ps 89:13

right hand


Matt 8:21

bury my father

collect my inheritance

Matt 16:19

bind and loose

to forbid and to allow

Luke 23:42

remember me

intercede for me


2:  Does what I am understanding Scripture to say, contract something else in Scripture ?

3:  Does what I am understanding Scripture to say, add to or take away from what is written in the first five books of Scripture ?

4:  What am I understanding Scripture to say ? What influences am I holding on to ?

5:  What reliable resources have I used to verify my understanding (I should use at least two) ?

6:  Am I looking at the verse with Western (Greek) mindset, or should I be using the Cultural Hebraic mindset ?

7: Does my current understanding of this Scripture take into account all the circumstances surrounding the situation described ?

8:  If I am able, have I used a Hebrew-English or Greek-English Interlinear translation, to examine each word for accuracy of

     meaning ?

9:  After considering all the above questions, what is my informed understanding of the verse in question ?


A:  Apply the method described on page 4 above to the following ideas or terms

                   love, faith, truth, mercy, salvation, grace, covenant

B:  What do you think the following Hebrew & Greek idioms mean ?

     Gen 49:4                    unstable as water

     Exod 33:3                  a stiff-necked people

     Lev 13:45                   covering of lips

     Matt 16:6                   leaven of the Pharisees

     Mark 16:18                 take up a serpent

     Luke 22:31                  sift you as wheat

     John 11:32                 fell down at His feet

     Acts 2:42                    breaking bread

     1 Cor 3:2                     feed with milk



Additional Tools for Testing Everything 

(not an endorsement for nor an exhaustive list of resources available) 

Online Resources:

Excellent free Bible software