
Followers of the Messiah - Foundational Spiritual Beliefs Part 2

 In Lesson 2, you were introduced to a few of the most important foundational spiritual beliefs.

I encourage you to test what you learned in Lesson 2 by completing the following revision questions. Refer back to Lesson 2 if necessary.

1:  How do we develop our belief systems ?

2:  What fundamental beliefs do you have about Yahweh ?

3:  What fundamental beliefs do you have about Yahushua ?

4:  What do you believe about Yahweh’s written Word ?

While it is common for those who are brand new to our “Messianic Israel” walk to already have most of the fundamental “beliefs” mentioned in Lesson 2, there are many new beliefs, practices & activities that they will encounter as they go forward, that they may not have encountered, or processed. Please DECIDE that you will not be overwhelmed by them – just go slowly by considering them carefully, one at a time !

It is often suggested by those who have been on this walk for quite a while, to not make the mistake that many of us have made. 

Let me explain. When we have had our shalom disturbed by Yahweh, & have decided to leave a previous denomination because we identified errors, or because something just didn’t “seem right”, it is better, but difficult, to put all our previous beliefs down, and pick them up, “one at a time”, rather than keep what we had, & examine each one as we proceed on our new journey. One person described it as having a "garage or backyard" sale. You put everything that you thought you believed out on the lawn, & pick them up for consideration, one by one.

I strongly advise brand new people to start with one belief, and examine it thoroughly, by asking :

A: What do I really believe about, say, Sabbath ?  I have provided one detailed example of how this might be done below.

I suggest that your answer be written down in as much detail as possible. When this has been completed, ask the next two very important questions :

B:  Why do I believe what I just wrote ?

C:    What evidence do I have for believing what I just wrote ?

In order to TEST if your belief is scripturally accurate, it is recommended that you do further research using a study Bible’s Index or Concordance, or if you can, access Bible software, such as e-Sword, or an online resource such as

Again, I have provided an example of what you might do, & how you might do it below. It is not the only method, but it is a method that I have found easy to apply, & very useful.

What is Sabbath ?

Ask yourself as many questions as you can think of, & then answer or TEST them, as thoroughly as possible, by checking what Yahweh’s Word.

Where is Sabbath first mentioned in Scripture ?                         Exod 16:23

Which day is Yahweh’s Sabbath ?                                                  the 7th day

Where do we first encounter this 7th day ?                                   Gen 1:31-2:3

What do these verses tell us about the 7th day ?

     In Gen 1:31-2:3, we are told that Elohim blessed this seventh day, and set it apart from all the other days. He sanctified this

     day by ceasing (resting) from His work of creation.

Is this 7th day the same as the other 6 days of creation ?           

     It seems obvious, that the seventh day of creation was, and is different from every other day.

Which day of the week is the 7th day which day is Yahweh’s Sabbath ?    

     Saturday – from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset (Gen 1:5)

When is the next mention of this 7th day ?               It is not until Exod 16:21-30, about 2500 years later

Before we read about how the Israelites were instructed to keep the weekly Sabbath in Exod 16:21-30, were there any instructions given to previous generations, about how to keep this 7th day Sabbath ?

     No – there is only one general statement given about Abraham’s faithfulness in Gen 26:4-5

What instructions were given about keeping the 7th day Sabbath in Exodus 16 ?

     Exod 16:4 tells us that YHWH would test the Israelites, as to whether they would walk in His Torot (plural for Torah) or not.

     The Israelites were instructed :

     ~ to gather twice as much manna on the 6th day – there would be none on the 7th day (v22)

     ~ that the 7th day would be a rest, a Sabbath set apart to YHWH (v23)

     ~ that which they baked or cooked on the 6th day, would be left over for the 7th day (v23)

NB – The 7th day Sabbath was given BEFORE the Ten Words were spoken in Exod 20.

What other instructions are given about Yahweh’s Sabbath ?      

It may come as a surprise, but there are only a few instructions about how to keep Yahweh’s 7th day Sabbath. In the 1st five books of Scripture, there are eight specific instructions about how to keep Yahweh’s 7th day Sabbath. They are :

     Exod 20:8 tells us we are to remember the Sabbath, to set it apart or to sanctify it

     Exod 20:10 tells us to cease from work on the Sabbath – repeated in Exod 31:14-15

     Exod 20:10 also tells us to cause no one else to work on the Sabbath

     Exod 23:12 tells us to rest on the Sabbath – repeated in Lev 23:3

     Exod 35:3 tells us not to kindle A FIRE ON THE Sabbath day

     Lev 23:3 tells us we are to hold a set-apart gathering on the Sabbath

There is one clarification of these is given in Neh 10:31 & 15, where we are told not to buy or sell on Sabbath.

Isaiah 58:13-14 encourages us not to do things for our own pleasure on Sabbath.

I have provided a list of topics with questions below, that you can check. It might be a good idea to copy those you have not encountered, or dealt with each thoroughly, & place a tick next to those you have examined. Please do not be overwhelmed by the list – just take your time – ask for assistance – I would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have (if we can).

Please contact me, Peter,at

     The 7th day Sabbath – why you need to keep it, when to keep it, what is required ?

     The Sacred Names – what they are, what they are not, why they are sacred ?

     Yahweh’s calendar – what are the main possibilities, what the evidence is for each possibility. This is a big topic - I have

     written a detailed study on this elsewhere on this website.

     What are the problems with each calendar possibility, where to find scriptural evidence about it ?

     Yahweh’s Torah instructions, commands, judgments, statutes – what Torah means - why it is different to commands,             

      judgments & statutes - why do we need to keep those parts of it that apply to each of us ?

     Yahweh’s food requirements – what they are, how to apply them ?


     Yahweh’s annual appointed times, His moedim – what each of them is - when are they to be kept - what is required for each

      of them ?

     What is the difference between Hebraic & Greek-Roman (Western) thinking ?

     How to test or prove what you read or hear in Scripture, or elsewhere ?

     Why is Israel important, & why should we be part of it ?    

     What are your Hebrew Roots ?

     Who are the Lost Tribes ? What are the Two Houses of Israel ?

     What are the main scriptural problems with Judaism ?

     What are the main scriptural problems with Christianity ?

     The difference between being saved from ignorance, being saved from the penalty of our sin, & being saved for eternity with

     Yahweh ?

     How to study Yahweh’s Word – the original languages ? (Refer to the several teachings elsewhere on this website)

     What are the four levels of Hebrew Understanding ?

     How to find the correct context of a scripture chapter or verse ? (Refer to the several teachings elsewhere on this website)

     What is the correct scriptural meaning of Renewed Covenant (NT) words & ideas including :

     Grace   Salvation   Redemption  Torah (law)   Mercy   Love   Adoption   Covenant   Faith      Scripture   Works   Assembly  

     Circumcision   Gnostic  Gentiles   Ruach (spirit)   Jews   Pharisees   Sadducees   Traditions of the elders   Disciples   Apostles      Leaven   Faithfulness   Righteousness   Truth     (there are many others) ?

     What are the problems with understanding Paul ?

     What is sin ?                         What is Repentance ?                         What is Mikvah ?

     What is biblical Covenant ?                               What is adoption in the Scriptures, & the Ancient World ?

     How to test whether someone is a false prophet ?

    There are other teachings that follow, which I pray, will be of assistance, & will guide you along the way. Again, please go slowly, & be as thorough as possible, about anything you choose to add to your belief system.

REMEMBER, what you believe will TOTALLY control your actions.

Please ask for assistance, & ask questions when you are not sure - we are here to help. Email Peter at :