
A demonstration of a method used to check the accuracy of biblical translations, including the reasons for using such a method

In order to explain why, & how I use concordances, lexicons, & scriptural dictionaries, I will use the following example. I hope it is helpful.

Suppose some one asks me what I think Col 2:16-17 means. My standard practice, & answer always is, let me check to see that what is translated, is how it scripturally reads.

Let me demonstrate this by comparing the English KJV version with a Greek-English Interlinear version. 

I do this by examining each Greek word, & checking its meaning with Thayer’s Lexicon, & Strong’s Concordance, & writing out the verse according to the meaning of each Greek word that is checked. Please examine the following method carefully, so that the reader will understand the process involved.

I have copied the Greek-English version, & the KJV of Col 2:16-17 below, with the Thayer’s Lexicon, & Strong’s Concordance information. 

The Greek-English translation is read, left to right, by focusing on the English words. I will show this by copying Col 2:16 here :


Col 2:16  μηG3361 NOT   ουνG3767 THEREFORE   τιςG5100 ANYONE   υμαςG5209 YOU   κρινετωG2919 [G5720] LET JUDGE   ενG1722 IN   βρωσειG1035 MEAT   ηG2228 OR   ενG1722 IN   ποσειG4213 DRINK,   ηG2228 OR   ενG1722 IN   μερειG3313 RESPECT   εορτηςG1859 OF FEAST,   ηG2228 OR   νουμηνιαςG3561 NEW MOON,   ηG2228 OR   σαββατωνG4521 SABBATHS,   

Col 2:17  αG3739 WHICH   εστινG2076 [G5748] ARE   σκιαG4639 A SHADOW   τωνG3588 OF THINGS   μελλοντωνG3195 [G5723] TO COME;   τοG3588 BUT   δεG1161 THE   σωμαG4983 BODY "IS"   τουG3588 OF THE   χριστουG5547 CHRIST.   

Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 

Col 2:17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Messiah. 

 Now for the analysis

The first Greek word in v16, μη. It is Strong’s Greek word number G3361. I hope that you can see that.

The following information is provided by Thayer’s Lexicon, & then Strong’s Concordance in e-Sword.



Original: μή

Transliteration: me

Phonetic: may


1. no, not lest

Origin: a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 expresses an absolute denial)

TDNT entry: None

Part(s) of speech: (none provided)


A primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not (conjugationally) lest; also (as interrogitive implying a negative answer [whereas G3756 expects an affirmative one]); whether: - any but (that) X forbear + God forbid + lack lest neither never no (X wise in) none nor [can-] not nothing that not un [-taken] without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations.

From this information, I have determined that μη is translated as “not”.

By following this process through,  so that all the Greek words are examined for their appropriate meanings, I believe that the Greek-English Interlinear "scripturally" reads :

Col 2:16 “not accordingly anyone you judge in eating food or in drinking or in allotment festival or new moon or Sabbaths

Col 2:17 which are shadow the intended purpose the but body the Messiah

Q: Is the KJV an accurate translation ?

A: I believe so

The next step in my analysis is to check what the "context" of the target verse is.

Q: What is the context of Col 2:16-17, in the passage Col 2:6-20 ?
A: Col 2:6-11 is focused on Messiah Yahushua being received by the Colossians, & their being rooted in Him – Col 2:12-15 describes what He did for them, when they received Him as their Master.

Q: What is the meaning of v16-17 ?

A: Paul seems to have picked several currently pressing problem topics (food, drink, festivals, new moons & Sabbaths), that other non-believing Colossians, may have confronted the believing Colossians about. In addressing these, Paul is writing, “don’t let these non-believing Colossians “judge” you, by their standards.

Paul continues in v17, by writing that the topics that he has just mentioned, (food, drink, festivals, new moons & Sabbaths), are about future things. Paul concludes by saying, only let those who are part of the believing body of Messiah, make an assessment about these topics.

When I am in a discussion with someone else about my understanding of the meaning of a particular verse or passage, my method is :

1: Check that the translation is accurate, using the above method.

2: Ask the other person do they agree with the accurate translation.

3: Each person then gives her/his understanding of the agreed upon accurate translation.

I use this method so that, we are each discussing "the same", accurate translation.